Last minute transfers

No last minutes available

Please note

The empty leg is born when the original helicopter flight is booked as a one-way flight and must then return to base empty. These empty return flights are referred to last minute flights. The empty legs are often up to 20-50% off the price of a regular helicopter flight. These Empty Legs are offered substantially cheaper, because you are unable to dictate the timing or routing of the flight. Fortunately due to our extensive database of Empty Legs, you should be able to locate an empty leg to meet your requirements, providing a more cost effective way of travelling.
GVA copter


  • 02/02/2023
    Vachoux Group partenaire officiel de Renaud & Hugo
  • 05/01/2022
    We offers you a fleet of Airbus helicopters, renowned for their reliability and performance.
  • 01/01/2022
    Our helicopters are operated by experienced pilots with extensive experience in passenger transport.
  • 24/12/2021
    Our company and our employees are committed to strict compliance with health measures to protect you.